
Progress Report: Geospatial for Python 3

The new book is coming along wonderfully, and with a few schedule adjustments, looks to be complete by the end of March. My chapters cover Python web frameworks for web mapping. Using Flask and Django, the reader will build a geodatabase and interact with it using the Model/View/Controller architectural pattern. It will also cover the creation of a geospatial REST API and interactions with cloud geodatabases such as CARTO and MapD using Python bindings.

Other chapters will cover the use of Python for GDAL & OGR, PostGIS, ArcGIS Online, and many more geospatial technologies. It’s a wide ranging book, with basic code recipes and explanations that will help expand the toolset of all GIS professionals.

The reviewers are now hard at work, correcting the text and helping with the code. Karla King is a GIS data engineer who has worked with traditional survey and GIS tools, been a technical writer, and has recently been developing web mapping applications. Rachel Stevenson is a cartographer with the US Geological Survey, and is pursuing her master’s degree in Geospatial Science.

I’m looking forward to getting in your hands!

  • Silas Toms, President


Python for Geospatial Workshops

In partnership with BayGeo’s GIS Education Center and City College of San Francisco, we are pleased to offer a three part course covering Python for geospatial analysis. These classes will be ongoing from February through April.

Part 1 will introduce Python programming basics, including data types, data containers, and terminology.

Part 2 will apply Python basics to the automation of ArcGIS software. This class will cover ArcPy and ArcREST.

Part 3 will introduce geospatial analysis modules for Python 3.

Check out the workshops, which can be taken separately or together, on the CCSFGIS website:

All classes include a free 1-year license of ArcGIS!

Spring Workshops Flyer